NFT Blog As it is completely and utterly understandable that one might think: What the heck is a NFT? As far may go the consequences of not knowing internet-applications and systems like Blockchain and named Non-Fungible Tokens. Despite the fact that the latter may contribute to one's daily live as a form of personal fulfilment when it comes to art, music and prosa. Everything which can be digitalised may be converted to an NFT on a platform for such use. Today: Wikipedia and other information networks may deliver more and deeper insight into the topic... Feel free to leave me comments on Instagram, visit on and have a goo time! Further: what Wikipedia has to say... "A non-fungible token (NFT) is a unit of data stored on a digital ledger, called a blockchain, that certifies a digital asset to be unique and therefore not interchangeable.[1] NFTs can be used to represent items such as photos, videos, audio, and other types of digital files. Access to any copy of the original...